
See Services of Habeeb capital

What We Do

Habeeb Capital is a lower middle market private equity firm investing in small businesses ranging between $5-25 Million in revenue. Our portfolio is defined by high-impact growth initiatives, turn them into action and create long-term value. Founded in 2020 Habeeb Capital is a flexible provider of equity capital for growth, debt restructuring, recapitalizations and buyouts.

Debt Restructuring

Habeeb Capital offers reorganization of a distressed company’s outstanding obligations to restore its liquidity and keep it in business

Capital Acquisition

Habeeb Capital has access to multiple alternative lending sources which can provide your business a much needed cash flow infusion

Mergers & Acquisitions

Our corporate acquisitions program is a focused on locating synergistic and strategic acquisitions opportunities that meet your specific requirements

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Our team has decades of experience in the middle market at leading lenders and investment firms